오늘 밤에 수업이 있었어요. 하지만 지난 목요일에 선생님께서 아파서 수업이 없었어요. 그 동안 선생님께서 토하고 설사를 하고 배가 아프고 열이 났어요. Gastric flu이니까요. 그래서 병원에 갔어요. 선생님께서 너무 아파서 가르치지 못 했어요. 많이 쉬어야 했어요. 아, 힘들은 것 같아요. 그런데 선생님께서 이제 괜찮아 보였어요.
오늘 수업 때 우리 선생님께서 새운 문법과 단어를 설명할 때 여러 그림들을 그렀어요. 아, 너무 귀업다! 글이 위에 한 장을 볼 수 있어요.
There was lesson this evening. But there was no lesson last thursday as our teacher was sick. She vomitted, had diarrhoea, stomach pain and fever. It was gastric flu. Therefore, she had to be admitted to the hospital. She was so sick that she could not teach and had to have plenty of rest. I guess it must be tough for her. However, she looked fine now.
During the lesson today, our teacher drew some pictures while she was explaining new grammer and new words. Oh, they were so cute! You can see one of the pictures above.
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