수요일, 1월 31, 2007

가수 이안 씨

There is an article on a korean singer by the name of Lee An in the newspaper today. In the article, he is said to have moved to Singapore in August last year and has planned to be based in Singapore for at least a few years. In fact, he has jus released his debut korean album last friday.

Actually, he sang in the 2nd Korean Language Speech Contest last October. If i had not seen him and heard him sang then, i would have not have known who he is. The video below was one of the three songs he sang then. I like this song cos it has a nice melody.

Singapore only has a small population of 4 million people. Nevertheless, i hope his decision to move his singing base to Singapore will bring him success.

Note : Found out the title of this song from Tiffany's website. It is 힘내요 그대.

월요일, 1월 29, 2007

이법 주 한국어 속담

시작이 반이다
Starting is half the job done.

목요일, 1월 25, 2007

KBS World

OMG OMG ... i ... did .... not ..... know that i have KBS channel on my cable! I am still in shock as i am typing this. I really cannot believe that i am watching it now ... yes now! It is like, all the while i have a diamond in my backyard and yet i did not know about it.

I feel like i am in Korea now ...

I wanna cry for joy ...

I must thank for my friend for telling me ...

Chapter One - Part 2

I thought we completed chapter one 2 days ago. I was wrong. We only completed chapter one in the first half of today's lesson. I think it is gonna be a challenge to finish 3 other chapters, an oral test and a written test paper in the rest of the 7 weeks.

I was telling one of my classmates that this textbook is really difficult. The teachings in this intermediate 1 textbook is a big jump from the previous elementary 2 textbook. I am already having this thought of repeating this level. Sigh .....

화요일, 1월 23, 2007

이법 주 한국어 속담

가재는 게 편이라. The crayfish sides with the crab.

한국어 의미 : 모양이 비슷하고 서로 인연 있는 것끼리 편을 든다는 뜻.
English meaning : People with similar traits and backgrounds tend to side with each other. Birds of a feather flock together.

목요일, 1월 18, 2007


I have started intermediate two class since last Tuesday. We began with the first chapter of Kyung Hee Uni intermediate one textbook last Tuesday. Guess what? After 4 lessons or 8 hours, we are still at chapter one! And we will still be studying chapter one next week. 왜요? 새 단어가 많고 새 문법도 많고 듣기가 어려워요. We are supposed to finish 4 chapters in 10 weeks. I think it is not gonna be easy. 아이구! 한국어를 어려워지는데요.

화요일, 1월 16, 2007

이번 주 한국어 속담

가는 말이 고와야 오는 말이 곱다.

Korean meaning : 내가 먼저 남에게 고운 말을 해야 남도 나에게 고운 말을 하게 된다는 뜻.
Chinese meaning : 去言美來言美
English meaning : If the outgoing words are beautiful, then the incoming words will be beautiful, too.

화요일, 1월 09, 2007

수업을 시작했어요!

2개월 동안 한국어 수업이 없었어요. 그래서 심심했어요. 심심할 때는 배운 문법을 간단하게 복습했어요. 그 동안 듣기를 연습하고 싶은데 한국 드라마를 봤어요. 그리고 말하기를 연습하고 싶은데 나 자신에게 때때로 말했어요. 제가 미쳤어요?

오늘 드디어 수업을 시작했어요. NEX에서 고급반을 시작하지 않았어요. 제가 한국어를 계속 공부하고 싶어서 그냥 싱가포르 한국 학교에 다시 돌아갔어요. 싱가포르 한국 학교는 제 첫 한국 학교예요. 한국어를 계속 공부할 수 있어서 기분이 좋아요. 회이팅!

월요일, 1월 08, 2007

이번 주 한국어 속담

하늘의 별 따기. Catch a star from the sky.

한국어 의미 : 매우 하기 어려운 일이라는 뜻.
English meaning : This is often used to describe something that is difficult to obtain.

Everyone has their own star they wish to catch from the sky. For some, it may be money or reputation. For others, it may be success or recognition. By wishing to catch this star of our choice, what we ultimately want to achieve is some worldly happiness. I am no different. Every year, i hope for good health. To me, having good health is like catching a star from the sky. It is indeed not easy. This year, as always, i hope to have good health too.

So, which is the star you wish to catch from the sky?


The tallest building in the world, Taipei 101.

안녕하세요! 저는 어제 늦은 밤에 대만에서 돌아왔어요. 대만에서 재미있게 놀았어요. 재미있는 곳에 가고 맛있는 음식을 먹고 우정이 있는 대만인을 만났어요. 이 대만 여행에 가기 전에 제가 대만 가수와 노래를 조금 알지만 다른 것에 대해서 몰랐어요. 하지만 대만에서 돌아온 후에 대만에 대해서 더 알아요. 대만 사람이 싱가포르 사람보다 더 친절해요.

지금 대만에서 겨울이에요. 그래서 날씨가 너무 추워요. 추운 날중에서 어제는 제일 추웠어요. 사실은 대만에 가기 전에 제가 걱정했어요. 날씨가 춥다고 들어서 걱정했으니까요. 날씨가 너무 추워서 제가 기침을 해요. 지금 쉬고 있어요. 여러분이 건강하세요!