I have started intermediate two class since last Tuesday. We began with the first chapter of Kyung Hee Uni intermediate one textbook last Tuesday. Guess what? After 4 lessons or 8 hours, we are still at chapter one! And we will still be studying chapter one next week. 왜요? 새 단어가 많고 새 문법도 많고 듣기가 어려워요. We are supposed to finish 4 chapters in 10 weeks. I think it is not gonna be easy. 아이구! 한국어를 어려워지는데요.
댓글 6개:
그냥 계속하세요....화이팅!
Still 8 weeks to go.
Two and a half weeks for one chapter should be ok.
NEX 고급보다 SKS중급 수업이 어때요? 더 쉬워요? 아니면 더 어려워요?
아이니 씨도 화이팅!
Equinox 씨, SKS 중급은 NEX 고급보다 더 어려워요. 1과에서 문법이 10개 있어요. 많죠? 단어도 많아서 기억하지 못해요. 듣기는 너무 너무 빠르기 때문에 들을 수 없어요. 한국어를 어러워져요 :(
If you don't mind, can I ask you about NEX and SKS? 그게 뭐예요?
Hi Song,
SKS is Singapore Korean School and NEX is NUS Extension.
I studied at SKS from Jul 05 to Mar 06 and at NEX from May 06 to Nov 06. I am currently studying at SKS again.
아 그렇군요^^ 답변 고맙습니다^^
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