박 선생님뒤에 치에 씨, 대보 씨와 신야 씨예요.

My room-mate and I were told to move out of the dorm this afternoon. We were supposed to stay in the same dorm until 20 Aug but someone had made a mistake of registering our stay until 18 Aug. We were to told to move out immediately and find alternative accommodation ourselves as some students from China will be occupying our room tomorrow.
I was shocked and upset. My room-mate already started packing. But I kept telling myself that I would not move. And I kept telling the dorm staff that I would not move.
In the end, the dorm staff said that they have found alternative accommodation for us in another dorm and would help us move our luggages. Finally, I relented.
I packed ..... everything within an hour. We moved out. Shocked and upset.
I was shocked and upset. My room-mate already started packing. But I kept telling myself that I would not move. And I kept telling the dorm staff that I would not move.
In the end, the dorm staff said that they have found alternative accommodation for us in another dorm and would help us move our luggages. Finally, I relented.
I packed ..... everything within an hour. We moved out. Shocked and upset.
댓글 4개:
외국학생들 중에서 일본인이 많을 것 같아요.
Spicebears씨 외국 생활이 힘들지요?
혹시 Spicebears씨 싱가포르에 벌써 돌아왔는데 푹 쉬세요.^^
예, 일본학생이 제일 많았어요. 한국에서 기숙사 생활이 아주 불편했어요. 그래서 힘들었어요. 싱가포르에 돌아왔어 많이 쉬었어요. 고마워요. 지금도 많이 쉬고 싶어요.
8월이 가장 덥고 지치는 때인데, 서울에서 보낸 시간이 너무 힘들지 않았을까 하는 생각이 드네요.
만나서 반가웠어요^^
다음에는 제가 싱가포르에 한번 가야 할텐데... ㅋㅋ
Song씨 만나서 반가웠어요. 예, 싱가포르에 한번 와 보세요.
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