월요일, 8월 28, 2006

2006년 8월 19일 - Day 22 in Korea | Kyung Hee University

Some pictures of Khung Hee University .....

The main gate

This is the building where i study everyday.

This building is where the student canteen and bookshop are.

The intersection 사거리

The Central Library

The Central Library

The Central Library

The park opposite the Central Library

The Administration Building

The Administration Building

The fountain in front of the Administration Building

The Adminstration Building

The Church

The Church

The stained glass window of the Church

댓글 2개:

JosLovesFood :

this is so cool! You went to Korea for lessons! Envious!

익명 :


I stumbled across your blog a few days ago. I'm also a student with NUS extension and have signed up for the August intake. I'm travelling alone and was wondering whether is it safe to do so as i'm a girl. Did you make friends on the first day and which dormitory did u stay in? hope u can reply me soon. Thanks