Yes, i am still blogging about Dolsot Bibimbap. Shall i blog about it for the rest of the week?
I like Dolsot Bibimbap so much ... i think i probably had it 3 times in the last 4 weeks. So where can you find it in Singapore?
Lucky Plaza foodcourt
Price : **** (Err ... cannot remember. Perhaps in the range of $4-5)
Quality : ****
Service : ***
Remarks : I was very pleased to find the korean version of beansprouts in my dolsot.
Park Mall basement 1
Price : *** ($6)
Quality : ***
Service : ***
Remarks : Though the service was slow, the staff was willingly to give more 반찬 (side dishes).
Mana Restaurant at Taka foodcourt
Price : ** ($8.80)
Quality : **
Service : ***
Remarks : I was not pleased with the rice cos it was soggy. By the time i finished mixing the rice and vegetables (with the plastic spoon ... yes plastic spoon), the rice was all meshed up. The side dishes given was so little that i could literally count them.
I would certainly visit the stall at Lucky Plaza foodcourt again.
No prizes for guessing the title of my next posting. It is gonna be "Dolsot Bibimbap 돌솥 비빔밥 - Part 4". ^o^
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배고빠서 사진 봐고있어요. 한국에가면 soma1095 가야해요. ^^
NO MORE!! NO MORE about the BIBIMBAP!!!!!제발!!!
Blog about ....errr.....김...that would be good.
Please don't torture me with the stuff that I cannot eat.....that's cruel....I am on my knees here...제발, 친구 야...어....?
다음 포스팅이 "돌솥 비빔밥 - Part 4"이 아니예요. 제가 농담해 ^o^
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