한국에 일이 일어나기 때문에 제가 실망했어요. 싱가포르에 돌아와서 한국어를 계속 공부하거나 공부하지 않았다고 생각했어요. 고민했어요. 그 동안 한국어 교과서를 보지 않았어요. 한국말을 복습하고 싶지 않아고 제 블로그를 쓰고 싶지 않았어요. 아무갓도 하고 싶지 않았다고 느꼈어요.
지난 주말부터 이번 주 수요일까지 한국 드라마 궁를 봤어요. "궁"는 이야기가 참 재미있고 우스꽝스러워요. 이야기, 배우, 노래, 전통적인 복장, 버팀대와 실내 디자인은 다 좋아해요. "궁"를 볼 때 기분이 좋아졌어요. 제한테 "그냥 계속 공부해요"라고 말했어요. 그래서 이번 목요일에 학교에 등록해서 수업을 들었어요.
I felt disappointed over some of things that happened in Korea. Since i came back, i have been thinking whether I should continue to study the language. During this time, I didnt even touch my textbook. I didnt want to revise my work nor did i want to write my blog. I jus didnt feel like doing anything.
I started watching Goong last weekend and finished watching this wednesday. The story is really interesting and funny. I like everything about "Goong" ... the story, the actors and actresses, the songs, the traditional costumes, the props and the interior designs. As I watched "Goong", my mood became better. Then i told myself, "Jus continue studying lah!" Therefore, I registered at the school and took my lesson this thursday.
댓글 6개:
It would have been a waste to give up something you have enjoyed doing for more than a year just because of some setback.
You have to be a strong soul to embrace Gandhi's saying as your life philosophy. I trust that you will be back on your feet soon or maybe you are already back. ^^
Keep on 화이팅!
Agree with Equinox. 加油呵!
Hey thanks! I am alright now ;)
Hi, Spicebears,
Glad to hear you are ok and have started blogging again.
And hope you have decided to continue with your Korean study...
Thanks everyone here. I am continuing my korean and have started attending classes again ;)
I wish I could do the same. But fasting month starting in 2 weeks time laH.
I will be back in OCT or March!
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