화요일, 10월 31, 2006

Lonely Planet Korean Phrasebook

오늘 서점에 가서 이 작은 책을 보고 대전 병원이 생각났어요.

지난 4월에 한국에 가서 대전 자광사에 있을 때 몸이 좋지 않아서 아주 힘들었어요. 그래서 의사를 보고 싶었어요. 자광사 지원이 병원에게 전화한 후에 구굽차가 나타났어요. 저는 깜짝 놀랐아요. 저는 구굽차를 타고 싶지 않았지만 드디어 친구하고 같이 구굽차로 병원에 갔어요. 너무 난처했어요. 제 처음이니까요.

병원에 도착한 다음에 의사가 한국어로 질문했어요. 저는 한국말을 9개월 동안 공부했지만 많은 단어를 아직 몰랐어요. "어디에 아파요?"과 "언제 아파요?"만 들을 수 있었어요. 그리고 "배가 아파요", "열이 나요"과 "어제 밤부터 아팠아요"만 대답할 수 있었어요. 저는 한국어로 이야기하지 못 했어요. 의사도 영어로 이야기하지 못 했어요. 이야기하는 갓이 너무 어려웠어요.

제 친구가 Lonely Planet 책을 가지고 갔어요. 이 착안에 189페이지부터 198페이지까지 건강 단어와 문장들이 있었어요. 유용했어요.

I was at the bookstore today when i saw this book. It reminded me of my hospital A&E admission in Dajeon.

I was feeling very unwell when i was in Dajeon this April. So i asked to see a doctor. One of the staff at Jakwangsa Temple in Dajeon called the hospital. Before i knew, an ambulance appeared in front of the dormitory which i was staying. Naturally, i was very taken aback. I was very reluctant to board the ambulance but i boarded the ambulance in the end with another friend of mine. It was so embarrassing ... it was my first time in an ambulance.

When we arrived at the hospital, the doctors asked me questions in korean. Though i had studied korean language for about 9 months at that time, my vocabulary was still very limited. When they asked in korean, I could only understand "Where do you feel unwell?" and "When did you start feeling unwell?" And all i could reply in korean without difficulty were "I have stomach pain", "I have a fever" and " I was unwell since last night." I struggled speaking to the doctors in korean while the doctors struggled speaking to me in english. It was unimaginably difficult.

Luckily, the friend who came with me brought along this Lonely Planet Korean Phrasebook with her. This book has health-related words and questions from page 189 to page 198. It was indeed useful.

토요일, 10월 28, 2006

Pumpkin porridge 호박죽

여러 주말에 한국 죽을 만들고 싶지만 피곤해서 만들지 못 했어요. 이번 주 화요일이 휴가라서 호박죽을 만드는 것이 생각했어요. 한국에서 호박죽을 먹어 보지 않았지만 해물죽을 먹어 봤어요. 호박죽은 만들고 싶지만 만들 줄 몰라요. 그래서 인터넷으로 호박죽 만드는 방법을 찾았아요. 호박죽 만드는 방법을 찾은 다음에 여러 채료가 필어서 채료를 사려 슈퍼마켓에 갔어요. 한지만 싱가포르 슈퍼마켓에서 한국 호박과 한국 쌀을 팔지 않아요. 그래서 일본 호박과 일본 쌀을 샀어요. 호박죽을 쉽세 만들었어요. 아, 맛있다! 저는 호박죽이 후식하고 같다고 생각해요.

I have been wanting to make korean porridge since a few weeks ago. But I was tired so i didnt manage to make it. This tuesday happened to be a public holiday so i thought of making pumpkin porridge. Though i have tried seafood porridge in Korea before, i have not tasted pumpkin porridge before. I did not know how to make pumpkin porridge so i did a search on the internet for the receipe and instructions. Then i went to the supermarket to buy the ingredients. However, the supermarkets in Singapore do not sell korean pumpkin and korean rice. In the end, i bought japanese pumpkin and japanese rice instead. It was easy to make pumpkin porridge. It was delicious! To me, I think pumpkin porridge is more like a dessert than a porridge.

Dolsot Bibimbap 돌솥 비빔밥 - Part 4

Due to the strong and violent objection from a fellow blogger, this posting has been cancelled.

수요일, 10월 25, 2006

Dolsot Bibimbap 돌솥 비빔밥 - Part 3

Yes, i am still blogging about Dolsot Bibimbap. Shall i blog about it for the rest of the week?

I like Dolsot Bibimbap so much ... i think i probably had it 3 times in the last 4 weeks. So where can you find it in Singapore?

Lucky Plaza foodcourt
Price : **** (Err ... cannot remember. Perhaps in the range of $4-5)
Quality : ****
Service : ***
Remarks : I was very pleased to find the korean version of beansprouts in my dolsot.

Park Mall basement 1
Price : *** ($6)
Quality : ***
Service : ***
Remarks : Though the service was slow, the staff was willingly to give more 반찬 (side dishes).

Mana Restaurant at Taka foodcourt
Price : ** ($8.80)
Quality : **
Service : ***
Remarks : I was not pleased with the rice cos it was soggy. By the time i finished mixing the rice and vegetables (with the plastic spoon ... yes plastic spoon), the rice was all meshed up. The side dishes given was so little that i could literally count them.

I would certainly visit the stall at Lucky Plaza foodcourt again.

No prizes for guessing the title of my next posting. It is gonna be "Dolsot Bibimbap 돌솥 비빔밥 - Part 4". ^o^

화요일, 10월 24, 2006

Dolsot Bibimbap 돌솥 비빔밥 - Part 2

집에서 비빔밥을 여러 번 만들었어요. 하지만 돌솥이 없어서 돌솥 비빔밥을 한번도 만들지 않았어요. 지난 8월에 남대문에 가서 돌솥을 사고 싶었어요. 그런데 돌솥은 비싸고 무거워서 사지 않았어요. 그래서 지금 싱가포르에서 사고 싶어요. 하지만 어디에서 살 수 있어서 제가 몰라요. 아마 몰어 볼 거예요. 돌솥을 산 다음에 돌솥 비빔밥을 만들 수 있을 거예요. 돌솥 비빔밥을 만들 줄 안다고 새각해요.

I have made Bibimbap a few times at home. However, i dont have the hot stone bowl so i have not made Dolsot Bibimbap before. Last August, when i went to Namdaemum, i actually wanted to buy it. But it was expensive and heavy so i didnt buy in the end. I am thinking of buying one in Singapore. But i dont where to get it. Perhaps i will try asking. After i buy it, i will be able to make Dolsot Bibimbap. I think i know how to make it.

아이니 씨 .....

새해 복 많이 받으세요!

월요일, 10월 23, 2006

Dolsot Bibimbap 돌솥 비빔밥

저는 돌솥 비빔밥을 참 좋아해요. 한국 음식종에 돌솥 비빕밥을 제일 좋아해요. 보통 돌솥 비빔밥을 주문할 때 식당 주인에게 "돌솥 비빕밥 한 그릇 주세요. 하지만 안에 다른 고기를 주지 마세요. 야채와 계란만 주세요."라고 말할 거예요. 둘솥 비빔밥을 받은 다음에 뜨겁기 때문에 느리게 먹을 거예요. 뜨겁지만 맛있기 때문에 다 먹을 수 있어요.

I really like Dolsot Bibimbap. Amongst all korean food, this is the food i like most. Usually when i place my order, i will tell the store owner, "Please give me one bowl of dolsot bibimbap. But please dont give me other meat. Please only give me vegetables and egg." After i receive my order, i will eat slowly because it is hot. Though it is hot, i can finish eating all because it is delicious.

저는 서울에서 있으면 Soma 1095에 꼭 갈 거예요. 왜냐하면 Soma 1095있는 돌솥 비빔밥이 정말 맛있아요. 작년 9월에 한국에서 첫번째 있을 때 친국가 Soma 1095를 추천했어요. 이 식당을 좋아해서 다시 가고 싶어요. 금년 3월에 한국에 두번째 가지만 서울에 가지 않았어요. 그래서 Soma 1095를 가지 못 했어요. 금년 8월에 한국말을 공부하러 한국에 세번째 갔어요. 대학교가 서울에서 있으니까 Soma 1095에 다시 갈 수 있었어요.

When i am in Seoul, I will definitely go to Soma 1095. Because the dolsot bibimbap in Soma 1095 is really delicious. My friend recommended Soma 1095 to me when i was in Korea for the first time last September. I like this restaurant and i wanted to go there again. Though i was in Korea for the second time this March, i didnt go to Seoul. Therefore, i could not go to this restaurant. This August, i went to Korea again because of the korean language studying program. As the university was in Seoul, i could go to the restaurant again.

나 : Soma 1095에 가고 싶어요?

친구 : 네, 어떻게 갈 수 있어요?

나 : Soma 1095에 가고 싶으면 지하철을 타세요. 편리하니까요.

친구 : 그래요? 몇 호선을 탈 수 있어요?

나 : 2호선이나 4호선을 타세요.

친구 : 어디에서 내려야 돼요?

나 : 동대문 운동장역에서 내리세요.

친구 : 하지만 동대문 운동장역에서 식당까지 멀어요?

나 : 아니예요. 가까워요. 동대문 운동장 건너편에 있어요. 또, AM.PM. 빌딩 건너편에 있어요.

친구 : 아, 가까워요.

나 : 이식당에 가면 돌솥 비빔밥과 김밥을 먹어 보세요.

친구 : 네, 고마워요.

목요일, 10월 19, 2006

There was lesson 수업이 있었어요

와! 귀업다! Wow! So cute!

오늘 밤에 수업이 있었어요. 하지만 지난 목요일에 선생님께서 아파서 수업이 없었어요. 그 동안 선생님께서 토하고 설사를 하고 배가 아프고 열이 났어요. Gastric flu이니까요. 그래서 병원에 갔어요. 선생님께서 너무 아파서 가르치지 못 했어요. 많이 쉬어야 했어요. 아, 힘들은 것 같아요. 그런데 선생님께서 이제 괜찮아 보였어요.

오늘 수업 때 우리 선생님께서 새운 문법과 단어를 설명할 때 여러 그림들을 그렀어요. 아, 너무 귀업다! 글이 위에 한 장을 볼 수 있어요.

There was lesson this evening. But there was no lesson last thursday as our teacher was sick. She vomitted, had diarrhoea, stomach pain and fever. It was gastric flu. Therefore, she had to be admitted to the hospital. She was so sick that she could not teach and had to have plenty of rest. I guess it must be tough for her. However, she looked fine now.

During the lesson today, our teacher drew some pictures while she was explaining new grammer and new words. Oh, they were so cute! You can see one of the pictures above.

목요일, 10월 12, 2006

There was no lesson 수업이 없었어요

오늘 밤에 수업이 없었어요. 왜냐하면 우리 선생님께서 몸이 좋지 않았어요. 선생님께서 몸이 어디에 아파서 제가 몰라요. 아마 감기에 거렸어요? 열이 났어요? 기침을 했어요? 오늘 아침에 제가 선생님께 이메일을 보냈어요. 이메일에 선생님께서 많이 쉰다고 말했어요.

There is no lesson this evening. Because our teacher is sick. But i am not sure where she is not feeling well. Maybe she has a cold? Or a fever? Or a cough? I sent an email to her this morning. In the email, i asked her to take a good rest.

수요일, 10월 11, 2006

경희대에서 한국어를 배우면서 ...

"안녕하세요. 저는 한국말을 많이 배우고 싶어서 지난 8월에 경희대학교에 갔어요. 3주 동안 경희대학교에 있었어요. 그 때 다시 학생이 되어서 너무 행복했지요.

주중에 수업이 있었어요. 선생님들이 재미있어서 수업 때 우리는 언제나 웃었어요. 그래서 친절한 선생님께 많이 배웠어요. 주중에도 견학이 있었어요. 월드컵 운동장, 파주, 경복궁과 난타 극장에 갔어요. 저는 난타를 처음 봤어요. 정말 재미있었어요. 여러분, 혹시 난타를 보셨어요? 난타를 아직 보지 않았으면 한번 보세요. 또, 주말에는 친구하고 같이 서울에서 여기저기를 구경했어요. 동대문, 남대문, 인사동, 신천과 홍익대에 가 봤어요. 서울에서 맛있는 음식도 먹었어요. 저는 팥빙수를 처음 먹었어요. 팥빙수는 우리 싱가포르 ice-kacang 하고 같았어요. 아주 맛있었지요.

하지만 여름이라서 너무 너무 더웠어요. 서울 날씨가 싱가포르 날씨보다 더 더웠어요. 그리고 경희대 캠퍼스가 아주 크고 넓어서 좋아지만 기숙사에서 캠퍼스까지 멀어서 많이 많이 걸었어요. 또 밤에는 저는 잘 잘 수 없었어요. 왜냐하면 같은 방 친구가 잘 때 크게 잠꼬대를 했어요. 그 친구는 잠꼬대할 때 한국어, 영어, 스페인어로 크게 이야기하면서 잤어요. 아! 진짜 시끄러웠어요! 저는 매일 잘 때마다 그 잠꼬대 때문에 항상 여러 번 깼어요. 그래서 아침에 일어나면 아주 피곤했지요. 날씨가 덥고 캠퍼스에 많이 걷고 밤에 잘 잘 수 없어서 힘들었어요.

하지만 그렇게 힘들어도 한국어를 배워서 행복했어요. 오랜 만에 학생도 되고 한국 학생들도 만나고 참 좋은 경험이었어요. 그래서 한국에 다시 가고 싶어요. 앞으로 시간과 돈이 있으면 한국에 꼭 다시 갈 거에요.


일요일, 10월 08, 2006

First Time ... 처음 ...

My palms are sweating.

My heart is pounding.

Maybe I should listen to my favourite song "Perhaps Love". It may help to calm down my nervousness. There the music from my mp3 starts .... 언제였던 건지, 기억나진 않아 .... ooooh what a nice song. It seems to help.

Oh yes. I have to breathe. Yes, breathe. Remember what the yoga teacher says whenever you are in a challenging posture, "Remember to breathe and smile". Exactly! I am not in a challenging posture at this moment but i am in a challenging situation right now, am i not? Five minutes before the korean speech contest starts. Ok ok ... breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out ...

... remember to smile .....

... remember to speak slowly .....

... remember to .....

Thousands of thoughts flooded my mind during those last 5 minutes.

Yesterday, i attended this event for the first time. And yesterday, for the first time in my entire life, i spoke in front of so many people. It was really a knee-wobbling experience!

Despite the stress and anxiety for the past two weeks, i must admit that i learnt quite a lot. Especially my prounciation.

Most of the contestants spoke very fluently. It was as if korean language was their mother-tongue. I did not win but i was happy to receive a $50 korean restaurant voucher and a korean book titled "Prayer" (기도 in korean) by Thich Nhat Hank (틱낫한 in korean). I also made some really nice friends. Plus, I was honoured to be speaking on the same stage as these contestants who spoke korean so fluently. It was really a good experience!

My friend who won the second prize emailed me last nite, "You did well too. You overcame your fear on the stage, and you should be proud of yourself for this. Get this experience and participate again next year!"

I replied, "I dont think i will participate again .... but if i suffer from temporary loss of memory next year and forget the fear and nervousness that i had gone thru this afternoon, who knows, i may be crazy enough to do it again. But i doubt so."

I am looking forward to next year's korean speech contest ..... but as an audience.

"It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles." - Siddhartha Buddha

화요일, 10월 03, 2006

Korean Dramas and Men 한국 드라마와 남자들

My first korean drama, Autumn in my Hearts.
Photo taken in Abai Village, in Sep 2005.

My first korean drama, Autumn in my Hearts.
Photo taken in Abai Village, in Sep 2005.

My first korean drama, Autumn in My Hearts.
Photo taken at Sokcho Beach, in Sep 2005.

It is interesting to hear what singapore men have to say about korean dramas.

The doctor whom i regularly visits has a wife (who also happens to be a doctor) who is crazy over korean dramas. It puzzles him to see his wife crying while watching korean dramas (his wife was watching "Stairways to Heaven" at that time). He said, ".... actors and actresses in korean dramas always chase after each other along beaches ... otherwise, the actor will be running up the subway escalator and the actress will be running down the other subway escalator ... So what is so interesting about it?"

I had tea with a bunch of friends 2 weeks ago. Amongst us was this guy friend whose wife and daughter loved korean dramas ... nothing surprising in fact. But his wife and daughter watched korean dramas so much that they had taught him some simple korean words. Naturally, i was surprised when he threw a few korean words at me. Like other singapore men, he could not understand why singapore women loves watching korean dramas. He commented sarcastically,"... the actor tells the actress he loves her and yet he leaves her .... or the actor tells the actress he will marry her and yet he leaves her too ..."

Last week, i asked another guy friend what he thought of korean dramas. He said, "... she leaves him for another man but thinks of him while she is with the other man ... then she decides to leave the other man for him but thinks of the other man while she is with him ... they jus cannot make up their minds ..."

I laughed.

So, men out there, what do you think of korean dramas? And ladies out there, what do you think your men think of korean dramas?

일요일, 10월 01, 2006


Cheongye Stream in Seoul, taken in Aug 2006

So you managed to find your way here, didnt you?

I have been wanting to do some changes to my blogs. I was thinking of changing either the web face, the profile photo or the nickname. In the end, i changed my blogs' web addresses. Isn't it fun??

Sometimes i think i like changes. While other times, i think i dislike changes. Oh i dont know. Whatever. Anyway, the only thing in life that is constant is change. So let's embrace it.

"To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly." - Bergson, Henri L.