Vicky will be leaving for Korea on 10th dec. To be precise, she is going to Jeju Island for 5 days! I have been to korea 3 times but i have never been to Jeju. I am jealous. I bet she is feeling high and excited now.
Equinox wanted to go korea but flights to Korea are fully booked until year end. In fact, he was "thinking of getting himself frozen in Korea's sub-zero temperature". 와 ~ 춥다!
Aini wants to go to korea too ... she will be holding a red umbrealla and walking through the streets of seoul looking for her oppa Sung Si Kyung. 오빠 ~ 오빠 ~ 어디야?
Who do i envy most? Song, of course! She is in korea whole year round! 아 ~ 행복해요!
댓글 4개:
Spicebear씨가 한국의 겨울을 몰라서 그러실 거예요.
어떤 날은 너무 추워서 문밖에 나가기도 싫어요^^;;;
내년에 꼭 한국 오세요^^
예, 내년 꼭 한국에 갈 거예요^^ 하지만 여름과 겨울에 가지 않을 거예요. 여름 ~ 너무 더워요. 겨울 ~ 너무 추워요. 싫어해요.
곰 열마리가 한집에 있어. 히쭉 히쭉 잘한다. ^^
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